Thursday, October 1, 2009

something new

something new:
read about moose with my wonderful boy!
dropped off an application at the nursing home on my 48th birthday
learned more about FASCA & scholarships for Genee, our senior, on the web
signed up for more scholarship info

something sweet:
got my usual birthday calls - Cousin Mike, Sister Deb - Mom gave me card Tuesday
posted encouragement to julie (& children) on walz hope

worked - students on fall break - motivational speaker - amazing!
created a new blog for myself on my 48th birthday

look at blog or something - Jacq Pacq - with my fourteen-year-old!!! (spend so much time worrying about Gabriel & doing the senior year stuff with Genee that i sometimes forget to spend time on my independent middle child, the Jacqui!)

This short but beautiful fall break:
rest in God
spend time with gene
do family things together: pray together, read animal stories with gabe, catch up on girls' blogs . . .
work on college class i teach
work on fasca & college applications/scholarships
begin book for rock's education publishing company